Wonderful Work
Take a peek at our amazing work here!! We are SO busy and happy!
We love to learn through role-play! Here we are in our Police Station... looking for a delinquent and cunning wolf.
Telling the story of The 3 Little Pigs and Red Riding Hood!
We made an outdoor Police Station and Jail!
And a cafe so that our police force could have refreshments!
Look how we are getting better at writing letters!
Outdoor Learning is so important and we LOVE it!
Oh no!!! We heard that there may be a fire nearby... we were challenged to create a fire engine! We listened to each other's ideas and learnt from each other! Look at this Bowland team effort!
We are always developing our number skills in a practical and visual way. Here we are in action!
We read all through the day! Our reading skills develop every day and we love to chop, blend and read our new books with fluency and intonation!
We have loved learning about old and new toys! We found out about toys that our parents and grandparents have loved in the past! We also used photos and videos as sources of evidence to find out more about the toys that our Queen played with!
" Older toys were made differently and not as brightly coloured!" Holly
" Decades ago the Queen played with dollies and a pram... just like I do!" Ava
Telling stories ...
Creating narratives develops our language and writing skills! We love to use exciting new adjectives and adverbs in our play.
" The delinquent wolf ate the pigs!" Rory
" The savage wolf was very hungry!" Fred
As writers, we then use these super impressive adjectives in our stories!
We understand that we need to keep our bodies active and our minds healthy. Yoga is a wonderful way to relax on Friday mornings.
We enjoyed exploring printing using different objects. We used the primary colours to mix secondary colours. We talked about our favourite prints and why we liked them. We discovered that lighter colours printed onto a darker background was really effective.