Our Curriculum
EYFS Curriculum
Our EYFS Curriculum is organised into the 7 areas of learning. Our enabling environment, positive relationships, personalised learning and quality interactions ensure that all children make fantastic progress from their starting points. Learning is fun and linked to children's interests. Key knowledge and skills is also carefully mapped out to ensure that children experience a diverse and bespoke curriculum .
Progress Maps EYFS
Characteristics of Effective Learning underpin all learning and are continually modelled, scaffolded and praised.
EYFS Long Term Plan 2023-2024
KS1 Long Term Plan 2023-2024
Our KS1 Curriculum is organised into weekly blocks, connecting our learning in Foundation Subjects with English where appropriate. Children in EYFS also access our afternoon curriculum- core knowledge and skills are mapped out weekly for all children.
Music, Forest School, PSHE and P.E are taught weekly.
See our termly Curriculum Map to find out our learning for this term!