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School Logo

Scorton C of E

Primary School



School governors form the largest volunteer group in the country. They are people from all walks of life, who care about children’s education and are prepared to work as a team to support their school and local community.


More than 9,000 people volunteer to be governors in Lancashire, bringing to their role experience of everyday life and a wish to help children and schools. They support schools in raising standards, by determining the conduct and direction of the school.


Effective governors do not need educational expertise but do need to be committed to their school, willing to ask questions and act as a critical friend. They also need to be able to work as an enthusiastic member of the governing body team. The headteacher works closely with the governing body as its principal professional advisor. Governing body policy decisions will then be implemented by the headteacher in the day-to-day running of the school.

They will be supported by other governors on the governing body as well as by Lancashire County Council, through the Governor Services Team.


A Message from the Chair of our Governing Body


Welcome to the governors page of our school website. As you’ll have seen Scorton is a happy and vibrant community set on the edge of the beautiful Forest of Bowland, providing unique opportunities for our children.


As a governing board we work with the headteacher to set the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction and oversee the school’s financial performance. We have a strong relationship with the headteacher and staff to ensure we provide the very best education and care, so children can develop as individuals ready to move on to the next stage in their lives. To help us do this we have a governing board with a variety of skills and experiences. Also our federation with Calder Vale Primary School allows us to share expertise and resources to the benefit of the children of both schools. 

We welcome anyone who is interested in joining us to contact the school. I look forward to hearing from you.


Mrs. Kim Carlyle

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


Welcome to the Governing Body of the Bowland Federation of Schools


The Governors of Scorton CE Primary and Calder Vale St. John's CE Primary met on 10th February 2022, and after careful consideration of the feedback from the consultation on Federation, and discussion on the best strategic direction for both schools, voted overwhelmingly to proceed with the process of Federation of the two schools as set out in the Federation Proposal.


The Federation, which was formed on 1 April 2022, grew out of a desire to work closely with each other and to maximise the potential of sharing expertise, experience and resources to benefit pupils and staff in both schools.  Regular opportunities for sharing INSET days and the cost of specialist staff/resources, etc. are also beneficial.  Each school maintains its own identity and has its own DfE number and delegated budget.


Who we are?

The Governing Body, which is legally bound by agreed Statutory Responsibilities and Terms of Reference, is made up of 14 Governors drawn from staff, parents and members of the wider community.  Details of current Governing Body Membership, Governors' Pecuniary Interests and other information is included below.


Federation Governors

Kim Carlyle- Chair (Foundation)

Steve Elliott - (Co-opted)

Helen Peters - (Staff)

Graham Peters (Foundation)

Karen Mills - (Foundation)

Ian Riding - (Foundation)

Katie Woods (Foundation)

Becky Green (Foundation)

Rebecca Scholz - Headteacher (Ex-officio)

Prudence Cahill (Foundation)

Diana McIntyre (Local Authority)

Adam Hilton-Briggs (Parent)

Canon Peter Ballard (Ex-officio)





NameGovernor CategoryDate of Appointment Term of Office Relevant Business & Pecuniary InterestsGovernor Role in other educational constitutionsRelationship between governor or local staff 
Mrs Rebecca ScholzHeadteacher20/04/20204NoneNoneNone
Mrs Kim CarlyleFoundation07/04/20225NoneGarstang Community Academy None
Mr Stephen ElliottCo-opted10/04/20225NoneNone None
Mrs Helen PetersStaff05/04/20225NoneNoneMarried to Graham Peters 
Mr Graham PetersFoundation04/04/20225NoneNoneMarried to Helen Peters 
Dr Karen MillsFoundation08/04/20225NoneNoneNone
Mr Ian Riding Foundation06/04/20225NoneNoneNone
Mrs Katie Woods Foundation11/04/20225NoneNoneNone
Mrs Diana McIntyreLocal Authority13/04/20225NoneNoneNone
Mr Adam Hilton MasonParent25/03/20244NoneNoneNone
The Revd Cannon Peter BallardFoundation Ex Officio - Blackburn Diocese 27/11/20244NoneNoneNone
Deacon Pru CahillFoundation25/03/20244NoneNoneNone
Rebecca GreenFoundation12/.04/20225NoneNoneNone 





The following committees meet termly. Other committees meet as required.


Standard and Effectiveness Committee

Mrs Helen Peters 

Mrs Rebecca Green

Doctor Karen Mills

Mrs Rebecca Scholz

Mrs Helen Peters

Mrs Katie Woods


Finance Committee

Mr Steve Elliott

Mr Ian Riding

Mr Graham Peters

Mrs Kim Carlyle

Mrs Rebecca Scholz

Calder Vale Parent


Nominated Governors

Safeguarding - Mr Steve Elliot

SEN/Pupil Premium - Doctor Karen Mills


PSHE, Art & Music - Karen Mills

DT & English - Helen Peters

Computing & Maths - Steve Elliott

History & Geography - Kim Carlyle

MFL - Graham Peters

PE - Ian Riding

Governor Training - Kim Carlyle



Bowland Federation of Schools Attendance Register

Full Governors 11/3/24


SEC Meeting  5/3/24

Mrs Rebecca Scholz

Mrs Karen Mills

Mrs Helen Peters

Mrs Rebecca Green

Mrs Katie Woods


Finance Meeting 26/2/24

Mrs Rebecca Scholz 

Mrs Kim Carlyle

Mr Steve Elliott

Mrs Diana McIntyre


Finance Meeting 16/10/23

Mrs Rebecca Scholz

Mrs Kim Carlyle 

Mr Steve Elliott

Mr Graham Peters


Full Governors 20/11/23

Mrs Kim Carlyle

Mr Steve Elliott

Mrs Rebecca Green

Mrs Diana McIntyre

Doctor Karen Mills

Mr Graham Peters

Mrs Helen Peters

Mrs Katie Woods

Mrs Rebecca Scholz 


SEC Meeting 2/10/23

Mrs Rebecca Scholz

Mrs Karen Mills

Mrs Helen Peters



