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School Logo

Scorton C of E

Primary School

All About Us

EYFS at Scorton School

Learning through Play in EYFS

We enjoy learning through play indoors and outdoors! Our indoor classroom is organised into flexible and enticing provision that is planned to meet every child’s learning needs and cater for individual children’s interests.

Our outdoor classroom celebrates the special nature of outdoors; crates, tyres, mud kitchen, sand, tubing, guttering, dens… we adore Outdoor Learning Time! We also use the outdoors to playfully learn how to listen, communicate, read , write, count, problem solve and practise our fundamental movement skills… and so much more!

Learning through play at Scorton School is valued and embedded- we are most excited and engaged when we are playing! We are so lucky to have older role-models in our classes- they help us on our school journey; modelling and teaching us every day! Our skilled staff also model, question, support and think with us when we learn.

We make fantastic progress from our starting points- accurate and ongoing assessments ensures that every child learns and makes progress. Parents and Carers are fully involved in their child’s learning journey- weekly home learning is personalised and interactive through the use of Class Dojo. We  LOVE to send in videos of our learning at home!

How do we plan our Curriculum?

What to expect in EYFS

Read this document to find our more about what to expect in your child's learning and development from 0-5.

Learning in KS1 at Scorton School

We LOVE learning and playing in Bowland Class! We love hands on, experiential, multi- sensory learning!

In Year One and Two, our bespoke curriculum is tailored to meet each child's learning needs- whether through play, adult led or supported learning activities. We are lucky to learn in a playful classroom-we enjoy challenging ourselves every day, learning how to learn, getting tricked, being challenged, teaching other and most importantly ... having fun.

We are always kind and compassionate to each other. Our Christian values of honesty, friendship,  trust and generosity underpin everything that we do
