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Scorton C of E

Primary School

Remembering our Learning

Team Teachers and Experts

Today, we worked as experts and team teachers to help each other get better at our four operations. Working together is an excellent way to revisit our learning and we make sure our learning is sticky by explaining it to somebody else. 

Podcast - Summer 1 - Remembering Our Learning

To revisit our learning this half term, we wrote a podcast script to showcase our knowledge from our different subjects. We then used the skills that we learned in Spring 2 in Computing to record our own podcasts in pairs. We hope you enjoy listening!

Sticky Learning in Maths

We challenged ourself today in maths and completed a range of open learning activities to revisit learning in maths and make sure it feels sticky. This week, the main focus of our stations was number. We completed challenges all about place value, halving, adding up to 3-digits, multiplication and number facts. We also started to think about our learning for the week ahead and had our first go at measuring different lengths of string by using a ruler accurately. 

Open Learning Challenges

Another way we have revisited our learning from the term is through an open learning carousel. Our classroom was split into seven different challenges and we moved around them to revisit learning in Science, Art, Maths, Spelling, myHappymind and History. 

Revisiting Our Learning - Grizedale Game Show!

To revisit our learning from Spring 2, our class took part in a game show. Miss Taylor was our host and we answered our key questions from the half term in lots of different ways. After we had taken part in the quiz, we thought about which learning was the 'stickiest' and why that could be. We found out that most of us love learning through 'my turn, your turn' and songs but that those methods of learning and remembering don't work for everyone and some children prefer having lots of independent practice of a skill or creating images to help them remember. 

Drafting and Redrafting - Maths

Today in maths, we have been practicing drawing bar graphs. After our first draft, we thought about what a excellent bar graph should look like and peer assessed our partner based on the criteria we created. After setting each other some specific targets, we had another go at creating a graph and continued redrafting our work until we thought it met the criteria in all areas. 

Learning Journeys: How does it feel to learn?

To revisit our learning from Spring 1, we thought about how the process of learning feels for us. We discussed how it feels when we are in the first few lessons of a topic, how it feels when we're in the middle of a topic and how it feels to showcase our learning at the end of a topic. After that, we created our own learning journeys that answered our key questions from the half term and also illustrated how learning felt to us. 

Drafting and Redrafting - Music: First Version

Drafting and Redrafting - Music: Final Version

Is our first draft ever the best thing we can produce? Grizedale Class have been thinking about this question in our Music lessons this half term. We recorded ourselves on our first lesson and then on our final lesson. Can you spot the difference between the two?

What have you learnt this term?

To revisit our learning across the term,  Miss Taylor challenged us to 'map our learning'. We started by sharing our learning from the term for each subject and then created a map to show what we know now. After we created our maps, we used the images and words to evaluate which parts of our learning were the 'stickiest'. 

What is your favourite way to showcase your learning?

For our second revisiting session, we were challenged to showcase our learning in the way that we found the most effective. We worked individually, in pairs and in small groups to create posters, raps, board games and drama performances that showcased our learning in all of our subjects. 

French - Speaking

To revisit our learning in French, we have written some information about ourselves including our name, age, birthday and our family. After practising in pairs, we showcased our learning to the class. Here is a very brave member of Year 3 showcasing her new language skills!

RE - Revisiting The Term

Still image for this video

Today in RE, Mrs Taylor challenged us to revisit our learning from the half term. After collecting lots of ideas, we decided whether we wanted to work individually or in a team. We talked about the different ways we could showcase our learning and then presented our ideas to the class. We had a mix of posters, roleplays, news reports and raps! 

Art - Revisiting and Critiquing

Our whole school is thinking about whether our first try at something is always the best. In Art today, we explored critique. We worked together to discuss how our partners could improve their work. We used a method called TAG and a method called sandwich to make sure that our feedback was constructive, helpful and made our partners feel good about themselves. 

Art - Storytelling Through Drawing

We have been learning how to create stories through drawing only. Today, we watched 'The Wish Granter' and retold the events of the story in our own way through sketching, shading and story-mapping. 

DT - Structures

In DT, we have been answering the question 'What makes structures stable?'. To revisit our learning, we evaluated an interesting plan for a structure and thought about the stable and unstable parts shown in the diagram.

Geography - Rivers

The Stages of A River, Year 4 Example

Still image for this video

We have learnt all about the stages of a river.  At the end of the half-term, we created dances, songs and actions to show how the learning has stuck in our minds!

PE - Netball

Invasion Games Example

Still image for this video

In PE this half term we have been learning the skills of invasion games - including chest passes, bounce passes, outwitting another player, moving into spaces and defending. This week we have enjoyed playing more competitive games against other members of the class.

Science - Living Things and Their Habitats

Imagine you have just discovered a brand new organism...How would you know which classification group it fit into? We explored the possibilities today to showcase our learning on Living Things and Their Habitats.

RE - Harvest

We have now finished studying different Harvest festivals from around the world. During our final week on this topic, we have put all of the information we have learnt into our own non-chronological reports. We hope you enjoy reading them!

Computing - The Internet

In Computing we have been learning all about the Internet. For the end of this topic, we have created our own knowledge maps to show off all of our learning
