Autumn Term
English - National Poetry Day

We had an excellent day celebrating National Poetry Day with the rest of the school. We started our day sharing poetry with children from all of the classes in school and then explored, innovated and performed poetry in a whole school assembly. We were inspired by the poet Matt Goodfellow.
Science - Electricity

When a static charge builds up the charges become unbalanced. This can be caused by some materials rubbing against each other. We created static charge by rubbing a balloon against our jumpers!
When lightning occurs the particles in clouds rub against each other. The static electricity has to be discharged to make the amount of charge balanced again.
Austin's Butterfly

We used our learning power of resilience to help us improve our drawing skills. As our class novel was 'The lion, the witch and the wardrobe' we wanted to create portraits of lions that we could share at parent's evening. We used our skills of critique to help each other. Have a look at our first and last drafts - what do you think? We have considered the question - is our first draft ever the very best that we can do?
Design Technology - Street Foods
We have been exploring Street Foods from around the world. Using fresh ingredients and herbs and spices we created burritos and pitta bread with hummus. Our snacks were so tasty that some people have been making them at home!
Art - 'Belonging'
We created an art installation titled 'Belonging' We developed our drawing skills and explored how our drawings could become 3D sculptures. Our inspiration evolved from the work of Lubaina Humid.