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Scorton C of E

Primary School

Latest News

Yoga Workshop

We had a very relaxing hour at our Yoga workshop today. We spent some time learning some breathing techniques to help us relax, think and learn and also had a go at some poses such as happy baby, tree and mountain. We left the workshop feeling very calm and ready for our day!

Viking Workshop

We had such an amazing day with Emma from Magic Door Education. We spent the morning being archaeologists and learning about different Viking artefacts like toys, hair combs, coins and accessories. In the afternoon, our classroom became a trading market from around the world and we learnt about the other side of the Vikings mostly gruesome reputation. 

Last Choir Standing

We are absolutely over the moon to have won our heat in the Last Choir Singing competition! We’re through to the final in June and cannot wait to show off our talent again. All of the children in choir were so brilliant and couldn't thank Mrs Pollitt enough for all of her hard work. Keep your fingers crossed for June!

North West Stages Rally Car Visit

The whole school was SO excited to have a visit from the North West Stages Rally who brought one of their rally cars and a recovery vehicle to school. Even in the rain, we all loved seeing the inside of both cars and hearing the super loud engine of the rally car! 

World Book Day 2024

Safer Internet Day 2024

Today we celebrated Safer Internet Day 2024. Every class in school were super lucky to have a workshop all about online bullying and spent the rest of the day exploring and discussing how we can be safe on the internet. At the end of the day, we came together to share our learning. 

Open The Book

The Open the Book team came into school this week to tell us the story of Daniel and the Lions. We learnt about the importance of trusting in God and showing courage even when things feel scary or tough. 

We were so excited about the snow at school today! 

We have had such a fantastic first week back in school. Both Miss Taylor and Mrs Taylor have been so impressed with everyone for their outstanding attitude to learning this week. 2024 is going to be a wonderful year!

We have had such a fantastic term in school and have been so busy with our learning! We hope everyone has a very well deserved rest and enjoys their Christmas holidays. See you in 2024!

Nativity Performances

Our whole school WOWed the audiences at our two performances of the Nativity 'Don't Be Afraid'. We had such a fantastic time showing off our acting and singing for all of our families and were so confident when delivering our lines on stage. All of our hard work was so worth it!

Christmas Party!

We had a fantastic time at our whole school Christmas party. We played some party games and had a very well deserved dance!

Trip to Lancaster Grand Theatre

We had such an amazing time at Lancaster Grand Theatre watching Jack and the Beanstalk. As well as LOTS of shouting, screaming and "they're behind you!"-ing, we learnt lots of messages about being brave, having a positive attitude and knowing how amazing we are! 

Dogs Trust Visit

Our school was so lucky to have been visited by Sam from The Dogs Trust who came to teach a lesson to each class. In Grizedale Class, we learnt about how to keep ourselves safe around dogs and how to make sure that everything we do keeps dogs safe and happy too! Sam taught us how to be role models for other people, the kind ways to show dogs we love them and when to leave dogs alone. All of our class earnt their 'Be Dog Smart' stickers and learnt lots!

Grizedale's Christingle Worship

We led our own Christingle Worship for Bowland Class today after creating our own Christingles and learning more about the meaning behind the creation. Our classroom felt magical! 

Hinduism Workshop

We had a fantastic morning learning all about the religion of Hinduism. As well as learning about their Diwali festival that took place on Sunday 12 November, we also learnt about Hindu traditions and were able to ask lots of questions and explore lots of traditional Hindu symbols and objects. 

Visit from Hedgehog Rescue Blackpool

We were super excited to meet Holly, the hedgehog from Hedgehog Rescue Blackpool. Carolyn visited us with Holly, who had been named by the person who rescued her, and told us about what hedgehogs eat, how we know if they need to be rescued and what we should do if we find a hedgehog that we think needs saving. 

We have had such a busy first half-term back in school and have done some AM-A-ZING learning. As well as updating our Autumn Wonderful Work page, we have also created a 'Remembering and Revisiting' page to publish all of the ways we have showcased our learning at the end of the half-term. Click the link below to see what we've been up to!

Harvest Festival

We celebrated Harvest at the Methodist chapel this afternoon with the Worship team, Jo and Mr Elliott. It has a brilliant service and we learnt lots about the message of Harvest. Thank you to anybody who came to share it with us and donated. 

Visit from Sarah at NISCU

On Tuesday, Sarah from NISCU came to visit our class to talk to us about Harvest. As well as playing a very exciting word game, we also learnt about the story of Ruth and talked about why it is important to be thankful for every person involved in ensuring we have enough food to eat. We had such a brilliant lesson with her and hope to see her again soon! 

Grizedale's First Day!

It was so lovely to have everybody back in school on Monday! As a class, we read 'The Koala Who Could' and thought about the things that we would like to do this year. We each decided on three goals for the year. Some of the things we have decided on are being more courageous, learning how to swim and reading more books! 
