Why do we teach PSHE?
Our PSHE curriculum intent is to ensure that children are given the knowledge, skills and support to allow them to become healthy, happy and successful young people and adults as they progress through life. Our school is a family and we want our children to feed as loved, cared for and supported as they do at home and teach PSHE with this in mind. As a church school, we believe that building lifelong skills will enable children to reach out into the world and reach up into God’s ideal for them. The Bible says, ‘I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go. I will counsel you with my loving eye on you’ and our PSHE teaching allows children to question, challenge, explore and learn in a safe and secure environment, prompting them to make well-informed choices that they will use in later life.
Our curriculum is delivered using six main areas of learning and uses a range of high quality sources to inform lesson planning. Our main programme of learning is myHappymind. MyHappymind is a mental health and well-being programme to support children in learning habits to support their own mental health. It also covers all the mandatory objectives from the DfE Relationship Education Curriculum. Our curriculum complements myHappymind with other high quality sources such as Coram SCARF, Positive Footprints and Young Citizens to meet DfE guidelines and provide our children with a well-rounded, age-appropriate and fulfilling curriculum.
Our Areas of Learning:
➼ Relate - Respectful Relationships
➼ Bullying
➼ Friendships
➼ Families
➼ Loss
Mental Wellbeing
➼ Meet the Brain - Our Brain and Mind
➼ Feelings and Emotions
➼ Celebrate - Character
➼ Appreciate - Gratitude
Rights, Responsibilities and Respect
➼ Rules
➼ Looking After People and Things
➼ Rights and Respect
➼ Money Management
➼ Rights, Responsibilities and Duties
Keeping Safe and Staying Healthy
➼ First Aid
➼ Healthy Lifestyles
➼ Medicine Safety
➼ Alcohol and Drugs
➼ Appropriate Touch
Media and Digital Literacy
➼ Online Safety
➼ Online Relationships
➼ Growing Use of Technology
Growing and Changing
➼ Engage - Setting Goals
➼ Life Cycles
➼ Our Bodies
PSHE at Our School
PSHE lessons in our school are centred around our children as individuals. Our knowledge of the children in our school allows us to tailor each lesson for their needs and circumstances. Children are encouraged to be open, reflective and courageous and are given multiple opportunities to showcase their thoughts and feelings in various ways. Honest thinking, respectful challenge and thoughtful questioning is encouraged through journalling, discussion and independent reflection time.
Whilst being taught as a standalone lesson, PSHE also has many branches and is a cross-curricular subject in our school; subjects such as Computing and DT also embed personal, social, physical and emotional skills for the future such as healthy eating and internet safety. Our use of learning powers across the school encourages children to be resilient, resourceful, reciprocal and reflective and develops healthy habits for children to take with them as they progress in life. Our pupil-elected School Council runs from Autumn 2 until the Summer and encourages our children to be thoughtful and democratic whilst sharing their strengths with their peers.
More About myHappymind...
myHappymind is an award winning, whole school (and pre-school) curriculum. It teaches children preventative habits that support positive mental health, resilience and self-esteem. All concepts that are covered within the myHappymind curriculum are based in Science and research and teach children the 'real reasoning' behind emotions and emotional responses. Taught to all children in school, myHappymind is delivered by teachers through the use of quizzes, short videos, songs, games and stories.
Click here to find out more about myHappymind and access their parent resources or podcasts.