Latest News
Our Linking Visit
On Wednesday, we were visited by the year 5/6 children from our linking school. We spent the day learning more about each other, visiting areas in our village and creating some incredible art work in our nature area. We are so excited to see their school when we visit later in the year.
Year 6 Arts Award

We are celebrating all of the art we have done throughout our time at Primary School by completing the Arts Award. We started by reviewing, revisiting and discussing the art that we had done throughout our time at school and then chose an artist to explore further. Finally, we have been creating our own art based on the artist we explored and we will present it to Grizedale class when we have finished. We think they look amazing!
Curling Lessons
On Tuesday, Nicky Nook had their first curling lesson at the Flowerbowl at Barton Grange. We learnt about how to stay safe on the ice, how to "throw a stone" and how to slide on the ice using an arrow. We had a fantastic time and already can't wait to go back next week!
Scorton Rose Queen Festival
This weekend, Scorton celebrated their annual Rose Queen Festival. We are so proud of Oona, our Rose Queen for this year, who wanted to show that we don't have to use fast-fashion in order to look amazing.
Year 6 Leavers Hoodies!
The Year 6s were so excited to hear that their leavers hoodies had finally arrived! We worked together to decide the design and then each chose our own colours for the inside and outside. We love them!
Year 6 Complete Their SATS!
The Year 6s in Nicky Nook have had a busy week completing their SATs tests. We have been so resilient and enthusiastic and all of the teachers are so proud of how hard we have worked. Luckily, we finished our tough week with an ice cream at the barn. They were
definitely worth the wait!
Quwwatul Islam Mosque Visit
On Wednesday, Nicky Nook and Grizedale class visited Quwwatul Islam Mosque in Preston. We were given a tour of the Mosque and also learnt about the way that Muslim people prepare for and take part in worship.
Islam Workshop
This week, we were really lucky to join Grizedale class and Willow class from Caldervale in a Zoom workshop all about Islam. We learnt about how they pray, what they wear and what their culture is like. We looked at some of their beautiful Mosques and learnt about their period of fasting, called Ramadan. At the end, we were able to ask lots of our own questions.
Schools Linking Project
On Wednesday, the whole of KS2 went to Burnley Youth Theatre to visit our friends from our linking school, Rawdha Islamic School. We spent our day playing games and learning about each other. By the end of our time there, we had created a performance together that included a handshake, freeze-frames of our favourite places in school and shared our similarities in a human-model!
Safer Internet Day
Today, we learnt about Safer Internet Day. First, we spent some time learning about our online image and how we can use avatars to keep our identity safe and private online. Then, we produced some "top tips" for keeping safe online including keeping account private, never giving away information and telling an adult if we are worried about anything we see. To showcase our learning, we made posters, booklets and wrote a rap!
World Book Day!

On Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day. As well as dressing up as different book characters, we also completed our 'Picture Book World Cup' with a whole-school vote in which 'Dear Miss' was the winner out of 8 different picture books. The whole school was surprised when every body had to "drop everything and read!" and visit the different classrooms in school to read a range of non-fiction with each other.
Residential Trip to Tower Wood
It is our first day back at school after our am-az-ing trip to Tower Wood. Our whole class spent four days caving, paddle boarding, tree-climbing and adventuring in the Lake District. Please check our Facebook to see even more photos!
We have had a fantastic first full week back in Nicky Nook Class. Our Year 6 subject ambassadors have been helping us to showcase our learning in English, Maths and Science and have made our working walls look amazing. In English, we have been writing our own versions of the Nowhere Emporium. In Maths, the year 5s have been learning methods to multiply 2-digit and 3-digit numbers; the year 6s have been learning all about ratio. Our CUSP topic for this week is Science and we have been investigating forces.
Strictly Come Dancing Workshop

Our school had a visit from a dance coach who taught us about different dances that lots of us had seen on Strictly Come Dancing. In our lesson, We were learning a jive routine. It was fab-u-lous!
Local MP Visit

Our local MP Cat Smith and David Linden came to visit us and answer the many questions we had about being Members of Parliament. Due to the visit, Cat Smith has agreed to help us fund a new kitchen and hall!
We visited Garstang Community Academy to play glow-dodgeball. We had an amazing time and made Scorton school extremely proud!
Looming Workshop

Nicky Nook had an amazing morning on Monday, learning the art of loom weaving with Erika's Textile Workshop. We are hoping to make our finished fabric into a wall hanging to go up in school!
Our First Football Match
On Wednesday, Nicky Nook put together a team of 7-a-side footballers. We won our first match, drew our second and unfortunately lost our match to the winners. We were very gracious in defeat and loved taking part. Well done to everybody who played!
Our First Brass Lesson
Nicky Nook were so excited to have their first brass lesson of the year on Tuesday!
Our Papershades
After our Zoom workshop with Papershades last year, we were extremely excited to receive a special delivery this week! Our class voted, favourite designs have arrived and they look amazing now they have been built!
Our First Week in Nicky Nook

We have had a busy first week back in school! We started the week welcoming in the new year 5s to Nicky Nook and have all made a person label for our “We are Nicky Nook” door. In English, we have begun exploring legends and have just read Theseus and the Minotaur. In maths, we have all been learning about place value. Our CUSP topic this week has been art. We have investigated typography; we have experimented with how layout, text and marks can create different aesthetics and feelings. We have ended our week with PE. We were most excited for our hockey lesson this afternoon with Josie. We loved it and can't wait for next week!
Our new learning power is absorption. We show our learning power by being fully engaged in whatever we are doing.
2nd September 2022
We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday 5th September! Our classroom has been fitted with a new interactive whiteboard during the holidays - it is fantastic.
PE will be on a Friday this term so Nicky Nook should come to school in their PE kit on this day. You will need - a white t-shirt, black or navy blue plain shorts or joggers/leggings and trainers. This term we will have hockey with Josie so remember to bring your gum shield and shin pads.