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Scorton C of E

Primary School

Wonderful Work

In English this term we have been working hard to improve our writing, spelling and reading. We are getting much better at using dictionaries to help us when we proof read or find a word we don't yet know. We have been doing exciting writing about the Loch Ness Monster and the Pied Piper.


We have worked our way through place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication this term. Wherever we can, we use practical apparatus to help us understand our learning. We like to use our mathematical vocabulary to explain our understanding and we use this when we work on maths problems and reasoning.
In Science this term, we have been learning out our bodies. We have looked at what our skeletons are like and how they compare to other animals' skeletons, thought about how we move and even investigated how our bones grow. We have had a few amazing pieces of home learning sent too!

In RE we have been looking at the improtance of King David in the Old Testament. We looked at his life and what we could learn from the way he lived and the relationships he had with other people and God. We also thought about the imagery of the psalms.

We have now moved on to thinking about how God is with us at Christmas time and the meaning of the Christmas story.

We have also been learning about Judaism and were very lucky to have a workshop (via Zoom) that explain to us all about the importance of prayer in Judaism and the way in which Shabbat is celebrated.

History & Geography

In history, we have been learning about how the Romans changed Britain. We looked at what life was like ere before the Romans arrived, how the Roman Empire grew and spread and then what happened in Britain when they invaded. We even had a Zoom call with a real Roman soldier!


In geography, we have been finding out all about volcanoes! 

For our work in art this term, we looked at many different ways of making and using prints. We experimented with using wet and dry clay, making card collographs and even moved on to printing with foam printing blocks.
In DT we have been investigating and making Roman treasure boxes. We have looked at what makes a good protective box, investigated how boxes are put together and even designed our own nets. Now that our prototypes are complete, we will be making our final products soon.


This term in PE we have done athletics and cheerleading. The children have been amazing!