Autumn Term
PE - Netball
This week in netball, we have been learning about (and perfecting our) bounce passes.
Art - Gestural Drawing with Charcoal
We started our new art topic by looking at the artist Laura McKendry. We loved her that she described her charcoal art work as, "alternating between freedom and accuracy," and used that as our inspiration to make some charcoal art work pieces using the theme of pets.
DT - Structures
In DT, we have started our new unit of structures and are learning about stability. In our first lesson, we worked in pairs to group and sort bridges in different ways. We thought about colour, materials, purpose and strength!
PE - Netball
We have been learning all about netball passes and in today's lesson we focused on chest passes. We are really working on our accuracy, power behind our throws and getting into a space to receive a pass.
Computing - Desktop Publishing
Today in computing we have been thinking about self-image and identity and how this can appear different online and in person. We also started to think about how important it is to communicate messages clearly online because things don't always read in the same way.
Science - Rocks
We have started our new Science topic of rocks. Today, we learnt about sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rock and learned how they are formed and the cycle they are a part of. After learning the different stages, we modelled them using Starburst sweets!
🔑 Our Key Learning Today 🔑
Igneous rocks are formed from cooled molten rock.
Sedimentary rocks are formed from other tiny pieces of rocks (called sediment) that have been squashed together.
Metamorphic rock is rock that has changed over time because of pressure and heat.
English - What didn't you do over the Summer?
On our first day back at school, we were thinking about all the things we didn't get to do over the Summer like flying to the moon, meeting enormous crocodiles, eating giant bugs and swimming in a pool of jelly! We wrote some fantastic silly sentences and looked at different rhyming patterns we could use to make our sentences sound even better!